Recognizing Mental Health Month

Recognizing Mental Health Month and the Importance of Mental Health Foundations

As Mental Health Month draws to a close, it is important to collectively reflect on the significance of mental health. At PRMS, we think it is also the perfect time to highlight the mental health foundations PRMS contributes to and the important work they are doing to promote mental health.

But first, a little more about Mental Health Month. Since 1949, Mental Health America (MHA) and its affiliates have led the charge in observance of Mental Health Month.  MHA has worked tirelessly to raise awareness among millions of people through various outlets, and continuously seeks new organizations to help spread knowledge of the importance of mental health.

This year’s theme is “Life with a Mental Illness.” The MHA is asking individuals to share what life with a mental illness feels like in words, pictures and video by tagging their social media posts on sites like Twitter and Instagram with #mentalillnessfeelslike, or by submitting an anonymous post with images and/or text to the MHAPosts, which will be displayed at

Here is a look at some of the foundations PRMS has helped and the work they are doing:

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). PRMS has been a supporter of NAMIWalks and the dedicated cadre of mental health providers who take part. In May, we supported two New York City region teams, by making a donation to each. They included “The Bronxters,” from the Bronx District Branch of the APA and “GLIPS,” from the Greater Long Island Psychiatric Society. Combined, they raised more than $6,700 for NAMI, which provides free support, education and advocacy programs for individuals with mental illness and their families.

Kentucky Psychiatric Medical Association Foundation. In 2016, PRMS continued its ongoing support with another donation. The group recently expanded its “When Not to Keep a Secret Essay Contest,” which is designed to show Kentucky high school students that it is okay and sometimes even necessary to tell someone when they overhear dangerous or destructive talk about the results of depression and teen suicide. The Foundation also provides outreach and training grants and helped produce a DVD to recognize a potentially impaired physician.

Minnesota Mental Health Community Foundation – Minnesota Psychiatric Society. PRMS also continued its ongoing support of this group with a donation planned in 2016. While the Foundation is just a few years old, projects include scholarship funds for students pursuing mental health careers, an oral history project documenting the evolution of psychiatry in the state, a television series on depression, and a web-based tool to help find mental health providers.

Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Foundation (OPPF) – Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association. In 2016, PRMS again continued its support of this group with a donation. The Foundation’s “Consider Psychiatry” campaign is designed to recruit more medical students to the field. The Foundation is partnering with Ohio medical schools and psychiatry departments to mentor and financially support medical students during electives so they can gain exposure to psychiatry. It also provides annual awards to the media who educate the public about mental illnesses and to Ohio medical students, psychiatry residents, and members for research and publishing.

You can help support these or other groups. Through PRMS’ Refer a Colleague program, if you refer a psychiatrist or behavioral healthcare group practice to PRMS, we will make a donation to your designated state psychiatric association, NAMI or national specialty psychiatric association.  For more information, visit:



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