PRMS Blog: Get the Latest Psychiatric News

December 2014

I’ve recently had several calls from physicians who have developed an online presence to seek new patients. Online marketing of your practice seems like a great option to grow a practice. However, what I’m hearing is that many patients who find doctors online do not want a treatment relationship, but rather only want controlled substances. To dissuade potential patients who sim ...

Behavioral healthcare providers working at hospitals, clinics or facilities may opt for coverage under the entity’s policy instead of purchasing their own coverage. At first glance, doing so may seem to be a wise choice from an economic standpoint; however, there are other equally important factors that should be considered before making such an important decision. 1. Avoiding ...

Categories: PRMS Blog

On behalf of everyone at PRMS, we wish you a lovely holiday season and a new year of happiness and good health. We appreciate that you have chosen PRMS to provide you with your medical professional liability insurance coverage and look forward to being of service in the new year. As is our tradition, we will make donations to charitable organizations in lieu of sending holiday ...

Categories: PRMS "Gives a Hoot!"

Here are my top four things to consider before using Skype – or any other technology – for telemedicine: 1) Does the technology comply with HIPAA’s requirements? Under the Privacy Rule, the technology vendor is a Business Associate if it stores (for any amount of time, no matter how short) or has access to protected health information (patient demographic and medical informatio ...


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